Friday, March 30, 2012

How to remove unwanted characters in SQL?

Hi all,

I have a stored procedure that generates the following SQL WHERE clause

UserName LIKE 'Adi234%' AND Fname LIKE 'David%' AND LName LIKE 'Justin%' AND

It is good except that it i can not remove the last AND which is not neccessary at the end of the clause.

I want to remove the last AND that come up at the end, my code places AND after each data field(UserName, Fname, Lname) .


a quick and dirty way: add


after the query (which always is goodWink


In your stored procedure, you can use a Substring to remove the end AND:

Assume @.strSQL is the SQL statement string you are returning now. Add this line:

SET @.strSQL=SUBSTRING(@.strSQL, 0,LEN(@.strSQL)-3)


Thanks Limno, that works great

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