Hello, when I imported data from ACCPAC to MS SQL Server 2000, I noticed
there were fields with a SQUARE character appended to the end of the values.
I am guessing these are NEW LINE CHARACTERs.
My question is how can I query these characters out because I want to delete
them. I do not want to go one row at a time and erase it!
Thanx in advance
Jiro Hidaka
Programmer for Medisca
PharmaceutiqueA square is unlikely to be a new line character.
Can you figure out what the ascii value is?
SELECT ASCII(SUBSTRING(col, position_where_square_is, 1));
--UPDATE tbl SET col = REPLACE(col, CHAR(result_from_above));
"Jiro" <medisca@.newsgroups.nospam> wrote in message
> Hello, when I imported data from ACCPAC to MS SQL Server 2000, I noticed
> there were fields with a SQUARE character appended to the end of the
> values.
> I am guessing these are NEW LINE CHARACTERs.
> My question is how can I query these characters out because I want to
> delete
> them. I do not want to go one row at a time and erase it!
> Thanx in advance
> --
> Jiro Hidaka
> Programmer for Medisca
> Pharmaceutique|||What are you looking for - carriage return characters, line feed characters
or both?
char(10) = line feed
char(13) = carriage return
declare @.str varchar(256)
set @.str ='this is
a new line'
select replace(@.str, char(10) + char(13), '')
http://milambda.blogspot.com/|||> select replace(@.str, char(10) + char(13), '')
Actually, most times that pair will be inserted in the opposite order, 13
first, then 10.|||Yes, of course! I was a bit fast with copy/paste.
Thanks for pointing it out!
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